(A dance production in Mayurbhanj Chhau Style performed by dancers of the Mayurbhanj Chhau Nrutya Prathisthan, Baripada
trained under the Central Sangeet Natak Akademi Project).

The five elements (Pruthivi, Ap, Tejam, Vayu, Akasa) are shown in their original state: Earth (solid), Water (liquid), Fire (heat), Wind (prana), Ether (space). - Harmony reigns among them.
Intrusion by men and technology: with development goes the exploitation of natural resources. Construction, cutting, digging, elimination of non profitable species, mechanisation of life ... lead to collapse of the original ecological balance.
Pollution in the form of Vritta asuras; circumscribing forces which block, separate, create enimity among elements leading the different forms of existence towards self- destruction.
Re-establishing of balance between macro and microcosmos through the re-discovery of an intimate relationship between Man and Nature. Man instead of playing the role of a Master who usurps the. benefits of Nature, takes his place within the Universe, between Heaven and Earth, between the infinite cosmic space -and the environment formed of all the living things on our planet.
Date of production - January 1996
Concept & Choreography - Ileana Citaristi
Music Composition - Shantanu Mohapatra, Niranjan Bhol
Trilochan Mohanta, Santanu Naik, Ramchandra Das, Pradeep Mohanty, Dilip Naik, Upendra Singh, Sanjeet Ghadei, Pagula Jena, Debnarayan Dhada, Ramakanta Sen, Subhasree Banerjee, Sumitra Naik.
Light Designer - Srikanta Chaudhuri
Co-ordinator- L. N. Das