
'This scholarly work certainly deserves its place in university curriculum and as a reference book for researchers in the allied fields. Such book was very much required for general Odissi dance students also and it is beyond doubt that the coming generations of dancers would be greatly benefitted by this. A must buy for all the Odissi lovers.'

Amazon, 14th July 2022

" That one needs to sift through a plethora of conflicting material before establishing plausible connections, points to the challenging nature of the task. And Ileana, in all fairness, does not spare herself any effort while wading through a host of material herself, and where necessary, supplements it with clarification from specialized texts. The result is a book , which in the reading, manages to establish almost a natural evolution, with efflorescence, from Geeta Govinda in text to Odissi as classical dance"

Leela Venkataraman, in Narthaki, April 27, 2022

" Her love for Odisha, her home now, and its culture is palpable. Acknowledging that the book has been structured keeping in mind that it is difficult to treat its different aspects in a boxed chapterization, she has proceeded in circles, from the periphery to reach the core of the Gita Govinda philosophy. Organized in six chapters, she explores the myths and history, braiding both effectively to allow us a tour de force into the soul of Odishan culture, particularly the Jagannath lore."

Arshiya Sethi, The Hindu, March 3, 2022, New Delhi.