Maya Darpan

The concept of Maya in Indian philosophy is as metaphysical as poetic. Maya Darpan, the choreographic composition based on the Odissi style has been inspired by the poetic treatment of the concept of Maya in various Upanishads.

In the first scene we are facing the watery surface of the Timeless Being; the moment 'Time' or 'Rhythm' creeps in, the dimension of 'Space' takes shape and 'Prakruti' or Nature is born.

From the cosmic union between 'Prakruti', the female principle and the male cosmic being, generations of creatures are born. all are limbs of the same body, but they look as separated and individual beings. Through the deception of the five senses, the original oneness is lost into a myriad of experiences which form the insatiable hunger of our lives.

Until tired of this endless run, man looks inside himself and rediscovers the unity of all.


Year of production - 1993
Concept and script - Sri Jivan Pani
Choreography - Dr. Ileana Citaristi
Music - Sri Partho Das
Light and sound - Arun Madkaikar
Dancers - 6 females and 1 male
Duration - 53 min.

Some press comments:

“But the concluding choreographic work of Ileana, Maya Darpan, provided a fitting finale to the Festival.

Her innate sense of exploring the space, the aesthetic sensibility in selecting the best of Odissi and a little of Mayurbhanji Chhau and the blending of the two, won Ileana all the credit.”

Bombay, The Economic Times, May 22, 1993

“Ileana in tackling this tricky abstract theme showed her choreographic range which is not mean and also her ability to convert concepts into dance images”
New Delhi, The Hindu, May 7, 1994