The item is inspired by the poem of the Negro poetess Maya Angelou which goes by the same title. She speaks about slaves rising from the oppression of an imposed existence, surging like tides against vested prejudices and twisted lies. I interpreted this as the rebellion of women against
impositions and rules, purdahs, nuptial knots and sacrificial fires. Their right to respond to the wild call of the flute, to merge with nature, to regenerate from themselves through their creative power.
The dance production 'Still I rise' explores the possibility of developing new movements out of the technical vocabulary of Chhau while working with a music score which includes acoustic instruments and electronic keyboard. The musical score, composed by Jyotishka Dasgupta, includes sarod, flute, percussion, voice and keyboard. The choreography brings out the images of repression, rebellion, and awareness in women' lives with the help of creative movements stepped in the Chhau and Odissi styles.
Concept and choreography : Ileana Citaristi
Music : Jyotishka Dasgupta
Date of composition : 2005
Duration : 22 min.